5 Feet of Fury

‘Cultivating the bourgeoisie lifestyle so loathed by the left’ is the only thing that can save the West

Writes James E. Miller:

Given the abnormally high suicide rate among transgender individuals, forcing a child to dress as the opposite sex for the very purposes of undermining basic gender norms isn’t just a novel form of parenting; it’s child abuse. It’s a disgusting crime that warrants legal recourse. But I digress.

Now, you might think: If some delusional folks want to chop off their genitals and play dress-up, why should it be any skin off my nose?

You would be wrong to take a callous attitude toward gender dysphoria. High suicide rates are one thing. The draining of the American—and Western—soul is another. The trend we’re seeing with the rise in acceptability of sexual deviance threatens the very foundation upon which our civilization is built. Unlike Buffalo Bill, it’s no laughing matter.

I don’t agree entirely with his conclusions — little “authority,” Left or Right, is ever worth obeying — but that smack at “What harm could it do?”, above, was perfect.

(Because as Mark Shea always observes, the corollary inevitably comes calling: “How were we to know!?”)

Even if you adopt this approach in the most utilitarian way, for the most subversive ends — “Be regular and orderly in your life like a bourgeois, so that you may be violent and original in your work”, or see Charles Murray’s line that rich “liberal (but really conservative)” whites should start “preaching what they practice”  — the formula can be fruitful.