5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer on forced busing, ‘multiple intelligences’ and other race-based educational fads

Steve Sailer writes:

Liberals control the telling of the past, using each anniversary to recycle their myths and further distort what really happened. So Wolters’ careful chronicles are extremely valuable in providing an alternative history that accords far better with how I remember what went on than the conventional wisdom about the past typically extruded by young, historically illiterate journalists. (…)

Wolters’ second profile is of Howard Gardner, the Harvard polymath responsible for the Multiple Intelligences theory that is usually taken to imply that everybody is equally intelligent, just in seven (or, later, eight or maybe ten) ways.

That there are multiple intelligences is somewhat true, just as it’s also somewhat false. (Half-full glasses are also half empty.)

Gardner is a genuinely intelligent and cultured man. His discussions with the late IQ scholar Arthur Jensen, in which he admitted that his Multiple Intelligences theory doesn’t really kick in until above 120 IQ, were illuminating.

On the other hand, I’ve never seen much evidence that Gardner possesses scientific intelligence. His list of supposed multiple intelligences, such as musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, and bodily-kinesthetic (which implausibly includes both jocks and gearheads, two groups that nobody besides Gardner finds have much in common), always struck me as more that of an opinionated pundit than of a man of science carving nature at its joints.