5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: An Inopportune Rape (Or, How I Learned To Hate the Left)

David Cole writes:

Did you hear? CNN took the photo of biracial Umpqua College mass killer Chris Harper-Mercer and turned him white! Lightened his skin, thinned his nose, flared his nostrils…the whole Voldemort treatment. Damn racist liberal media! Except it turned out to be a hoax. Some 4chan troll decided to see if today’s conservatives are gullible enough to believe that the Photoshopped Mercer pic was from CNN even though there was no link, no screenshot, no logo, graphics, or chyron to identify it as being from CNN. Mission accomplished, troll.

Yep, that’s why I didn’t post on it.

To those of you who did — check yerselves…

He continues:

The L.A. Times was willing to jeopardize the life of every woman in L.A. in the name of politically correct, “racially sensitive” reporting. And there’s something else: Roberta Happe lived exactly the kind of life that leftists claim a white person should live. She “checked her privilege” and devoted herself entirely to those less fortunate, especially “people of color.” Yet that did not win her one iota of credit, not one scrap of respect, not the smallest amount of concern, when she was murdered. In the end, to the editors of the Times, she was just some inconvenient white bitch to be ignored, an embarrassing statistic to be afforded neither dignity nor justice.

This is the disease of political correctness. Through the Roberta Happe case, I came to truly understand the human cost of the left’s pathology.