5 Feet of Fury

Frank Gaffney apologizes for having Jared Taylor on his radio show

However, before that (according to Media Matters, so…)

During the interview, Gaffney and Taylor attacked the “invasion” of Muslim refugees worldwide. Gaffney warned about the alleged dangers of Muslim refugees regarding violence and Sharia law, and later suggested such problems could come to the United States “if President Obama has his way.”

Gaffney concluded by telling Taylor: “I appreciate tremendously the work you’re doing at American Renaissance and The New Century Foundation. Keep it up and get back to us again very soon.”

And after:

In a statement posted on its website, the Center for Security Policy said Gaffney now “strongly disagrees” with “much” of the American Renaissance website and “Had due diligence been done beforehand, such disagreements would have resulted in Mr. Taylor not being invited on the show, routine compliments to such guests not made and an offer to appear again not extended.”