5 Feet of Fury

Laura Rosen Cohen: ‘Having written professionally for a number of years, I also blogged anonymously’

Read the whole thing:

Shortly after that, Andrew Breitbart died suddenly of a heart attack.

I remember the exact moment when I read about his death and decided right then and there that I was not going to be scared anymore of putting my own name to everything I write.

Within a week or so, I had closed the anonymous blog, and started a brand new one with my own name on the masthead, front and centre.

That was also my way of telling that anonymous troll to shove it up his (or her-who knows) ass.

As Gavin, Kathy and Mark say — if you don’t put your name on it, you have no skin in the game.

I have been passed over for many opportunities because my views are not mainstream. I’ve been eased out of jobs, rejected for others, and even asked off-record questions at interviews about my ability to “get along” with “people of diverse backgrounds.”

But the bottom line for me is that it’s all worth it.

At the end of the day, I could not live with myself if my children thought that I was a coward.