5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer on that Ta-Nehisi Coates/Atlantic article I mentioned yesterday

I summed up Coates’ 18,000 words as:

“The real victims of crime are the criminals.”

Sailer has an in-depth overview:

Coates has now assembled a huge pile of evidence—you’ll be shocked, shocked to learn—that ever since Emancipation, experts, white and black (including W.E.B. Du Bois and Jesse Jackson), have publicly wished that blacks wouldn’t commit so many crimes.

Occam’s Razor might suggest that this “persistent and systematic notion that blacks were especially prone to crime” is evidence that blacks are especially prone to crime.

But in Occam’s Rubber Room, that just proves…well, it’s not clear exactly what it proves other than that it’s all the fault of white people. Therefore, hundreds of thousands of violent black felons should be let out of prison and blacks should be paid reparations.