5 Feet of Fury

Gavin McInnes: ‘I realize a lot of the old codgers reading this are going, ‘What’s the matter with racism?’

Gavin McInnes writes:

You don’t get to be self-righteous about racism when your team has been doling it out without a break since 1776. So let’s give them a taste of their own medicine. They started this mess. Let’s play it out. We don’t really want every flag taken down as Hillary suggested. We don’t really want every racist name scrubbed out of the history books. It’s an experiment. Sort of like forcing Muslim bakeries to bake gay wedding cakes or having feminists live under the Sharia law they condone with their multicultural claptrap. The woman in charge of naming public buildings is Denise Turner Roth. The fact that she’s an African-American woman of color makes this crusade particularly sweet. We are going to bombard her with thousands of signatures until a prominent black politician is forced to erase her own party’s racism. In its place will be this new milestone: the year we gave the left a taste of its own bullshit. Let’s Take Byrd Down.

Gavin mentions Byrd filibustering the Civil Rights Act as a strike against him, but it was actually one of his more attractive moments:

Barry Goldwater voted against the Civil Rights Act precisely because it would lead to “forcing bakeries to bake gay wedding cakes.”