5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer: Questions About the Hegira to Germany

Steve Sailer writes:

Such as, if these are civilian war refugees, where are all the women, children, and elderly? Why are the incoming masses instead so heavily made up of young louts with smartphones? One of my readers, Lot, looked at a half-dozen photographs of the new arrivals and estimated, “Overall, these migrants are more male than the United States Army.”

When Jean Raspail prophesied a million migrants invading Europe in his 1973 novel, The Camp of the Saints, he assumed they’d be pitifully malnourished Calcuttans. So why do the colonizers showing up in Europe in 2015 seem generally to be less your tired, your poor, your huddled masses than your strapping fellows, such as the narcissistic bodybuilder on Finnish TV? This refugee documented his trek across the weight rooms and swimming pools of Europe on his Facebook account, and then memorably assured the prime minister of Finland, “I look big, but I’m 17.”

And how old are these “children?” (…)

Is it a tradition for Muslim settlers to trek en masse like this to a welcoming destination? In fact, it’s the oldest Muslim tradition. Year one of the Muslim calendar is set to the hegira of 622 A.D., in which Muhammad encouraged his followers to emigrate in small groups from unfriendly Mecca to trusting Medina.