5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn to Jacques Frémont: ‘Screw off, creep’

Mark Steyn writes:

I regret while I was on The Tommy Schnurmacher Show in Montreal yesterday that I neglected to speak out against Quebec’s appalling Bill 59, which gives the province’s wretched “Human Rights” Commission the authority to launch “hate speech” prosecutions even when nobody’s made a complaint. Jacques Frémont, the statist hack who heads the commission, has already signaled his intention to use his new powers to sue “people who would write against …the Islamic religion”. (…)

If this bill passes, it will become necessary for all of us to break it and render it unworkable – and to support Marc Lebuis, a rare champion of genuine liberty in a province that could use more like him and a lot fewer totalitarian toads like Frémont and Couillard.

It is exhausting to have to fight the same battle over and over and over again, but I am not prepared to let the western world retreat into darkness one jurisdiction at a time. As some bloke once said, Vive le Québec libre!