5 Feet of Fury

Duh: Vehement anti-McCarthyite was really a Soviet spy

But George Clooney will never make a movie about this:

Belfrage then wrote a few books. Among them was one published by a major American publisher in 1973, The American Inquisition: 1945-1950, [sic] in which the author claimed that he too was a victim of vicious false accusations that he was a Soviet agent.

We have known for some years, from both the Venona files and the Vassiliev KGB Notebooks, that in fact Belfrage was working for the KGB. (…)

At the time, late anti-Communist liberal and social-democrat Sidney Hook had written:

[Belfrage] was a member of the British Intelligence Service who had been recruited by the Soviet Secret Police operating in the U.S. … a double-agent with basic loyalty to the Kremlin.

For that correct assessment made in the ’50s, Hook was himself condemned as an accomplice of the anti-Communist reactionary witch-hunters, written off by believers in the Popular Front as a deluded witch-hunter pretending to be a liberal. If only Hook was still alive to have witnessed himself vindicated.