5 Feet of Fury

‘Arguing with liberals: Stop being rational and start making it personal’

Aaron Clarey writes:

So I made a change.  I no longer debated economics or threw up charts. I no longer tried to reason with people on the left. And I rarely bothered ever pulling data. (…)

Mocking and ridiculing them, pointing out their degrees were worthless, agitating feminists that they were ugly, telling single moms their market value’s been halved, and other arguments/tactics I would have largely regarded as “sophomoric” or “beneath me” all of 5 years ago, but now realized these are their “modern day equivalent weapons” by which they fight, and are the only tactics that they’re aware of and affect them. (…)

[U]ntil the vast majority of conservatives and libertarians get the balls and courage to basically just say, “no, you’re a parasite who wants other people’s money and you’re hiding like a coward behind children/your skin color/gender/etc to get it” we will all just be spinning our wheels responding to their red-herring arguments:

“No no, I’m for the children! I just think we can spend the money better!”
“No no!  I’m not a racist! See I have this sort of 1/8th black friend!”
“No no!  I don’t hate women! I just think more of them should major in STEM!”

In the meantime, those fortunate enough not to need “the system” will simply boil down leftists and make the only argument that matters:

“You’re a bunch of cowards and parasites, and all you want is for me to be your slave to support you.”

And no progress is going to be made until we all do the same.