5 Feet of Fury

John Oliver’s warmed-over crusade against televangelists: My NEW Taki’s column

Can’t predict the “JOOOOOOO!!!!”-yness in the comments this week, frankly…

The whole package made for great TV: an hour of infuriating, entertaining schadenfreude. The public’s hunger for these exposés was insatiable, and the material, plentiful.

So much so that The Door duly produced and sold VHS compilations of crazy televangelist high jinks. One three-hour extravaganza, called The Many Faces of Benny Hinn, “starred” the Jon Lovitz look-alike faith healer, who claimed, for instance, that the biblical Adam had once traveled to the moon. At one of his services, Hinn insisted, a man turned into a snake. At another, one rose from the dead.

The Door sent me a review copy so I could write about it in the Star.

The trouble is, I spotted something I don’t think I was supposed to

Nice one from the comments:

This country was literally founded on tax revolt. Now we have an entire generation of Americans raised to somehow believe it’s edgy or “cool” or watch some British nipple-sucker go crying snitch and tattletale to the IRS because somewhere, out there, some people might not be getting taxed enough.