5 Feet of Fury

I should make one of these videos about Nurse Ratched (*)

( * )

If you watch One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and pretend Nurse Ratched is the main character — not that shiftless, fake-crazy rapist who’s meant to stand in for all the would-be draft dodgers in the 1975 audience — the movie is a revelation.

Ratched is a model of stoicism: a competent, solitary lioness of a woman surrounded by incompetent (and incontinent) hyena-like males, a woman who defies the average man’s belief that women should be beautiful and gentle only, almost an Ayn Rand heroine (except for her “altruistic” career choice — assuming again that she felt she had much of a choice).

(Not incidentally: those “inhumane” therapeutic modalities in the movie were still considered cutting edge and enlightened in the early 1960s. Just like progressives today assure us that de-institutionalizing the mentally ill — a cause helped considerably by the popularity of Cuckoo’s Nest — and indulging the perverse surgical whims of disturbed castration fetishists who call themselves “transgendered” are enlightened, too.)

PS: The original embedded Little Foxes clip at PJMedia has been pulled, so here is a shaky (and truncated) substitute:

BONUS awesome: