5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad: Where’s the ‘Safe Spaces’ for Christians?

Jim Goad writes:

The ragtag, motley, malodorous, and mostly medicated crew known fondly as Social Justice Warriors argues that Christianity represents power and oppression and misogyny and homophobia and maybe even capitalism, so it is not scientifically nor biologically possible for Christians to be oppressed.

Forgive them, Father, for they don’t know a goddamned thing about history.

They know nothing of Christianity’s first few hundred years under the Romans. They know nothing of Tamerlane leaving hundreds of thousands of decapitated Christian skulls in his bloody wake. They know nothing of the religious underpinnings of the Armenian genocide. They know nothing of the mass slaughter of Christians under totalitarian communist regimes. They certainly know nothing about the fact that since the early eighth century, Muslim imperialists have raped, murdered, tortured, and beheaded Christians everywhere they could get away with it. They don’t know that the mass persecution of Christians during the French Revolution is considered by many to be the first modern genocide. They don’t know that in Saudi Arabia, Christians are routinely whipped in public and executed. They don’t know that in North Korea, Christians are being exterminated in gas chambers. Despite all the chest-thumping they do about “Islamophobia” and “anti-Semitism,” they don’t seem to know that an estimated 80% of all modern religious persecution worldwide happens to Christians.

And they definitely don’t act like they know that for decades, the Middle East has been one ongoing slow-motion anti-Christian Kristallnacht that only seems to be escalating.

Or what’s worse, they know all of that and they don’t care. They might even enjoy it. Progressivism is an ideology of highly selective compassion.

Don’t forget this.