5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer: ‘My hunch is that Trump read Ann Coulter’s Adios, America! a few weeks before his campaign announcement…’

Steve Sailer writes:

No offense intended to Dr. Ben Carson, but Trump is, by far, the blackest candidate running for either party’s nomination. Trump’s nouveau riche tastes offend old money, while impressing hip-hop fans. Trump was Jay Z’s “Empire State of Mind” avant la lettre. (Not surprisingly, Jay Z and Beyoncé pay $65,000 per month to rent an apartment in Trump World Towers, which Jay Z brags on “Success” that he’s “only slept in once.”)

Moreover, Trump has a rap star’s love for personal feuds. Normally that’s tiresome and distracting, but Trump picking fights with his fellow billionaires over their mercenary hypocrisy on immigration policy may be the best way to get across just how absurd the conventional wisdom has become… (…)

What about Hispanics? We are constantly told that Hispanic racial resentment is a relentless juggernaut. But that’s mostly just Jewish journalists projecting their fantasies and personal issues about blacks’ attitudes onto Latinos whom they’ve never found interesting except in the abstract.