David Cole writes:
…the counter-outrage is always quite predictable: Ideologues who feel shut out of the current outrage express outrage that so much outrage is being directed toward an outrage that they consider minor compared with the major outrage that really does matter, which just so happens (coincidentally) to be their favorite pet issue. (…)
Let’s be honest: If not for the ethical objections of Westerners, between Africans and their poaching (and their “desperation” and greed in catering to the likes of Dr. Palmer), and Asians and their ridiculous superstitions about the “virility power” of eating tiger dicks and bear testes and rhino horns, there’d be far fewer wild animals left in the world today (the Environmental Investigation Agency estimates that at least one tiger is killed per day for use in Chinese hocus-pocus). When a guy like Greenfield tries guilting people who are concerned about animal welfare by using what is essentially a typical leftist “race card” argument, I can only marvel at how well he adapts to the language of the people he claims to oppose.
I’m holding up the Greenfield op-ed as an example because it was particularly odious, but there were many similar posts on conservative sites last week, several of which made the inane point that trophy killing is super fantastic because it brings money to the Zimbabwean economy (and we all know that every cent of that goes to the impoverished people, right?).
As I was saying…
PS: Hey, “doctor”… Somehow “my” people figured out how to avoid getting killed by wolves and shit a few hundred years ago. Crazy, huh?