5 Feet of Fury

Michael Savage endorses Trump for president (and more)

My NEW Talk Radio Watch is now up!

Grab a coffee and enjoy FREE audio highlights from the week in conservative talk radio, including:


John Derbyshire’s podcast is now available exclusively at VDare:

Peter Brimelow, the proprietor of VDARE.com, has suggested that I explain Radio Derb’s change of location, to satisfy listener curiosity and quell unseemly rumors.

I am glad to do so, although there is very little to explain; and the little that there is is not interesting or dramatic.

In June I turned seventy. That got me to thinking about the time I have left and what I can most usefully do with it. I would, for example, like to write another book or two before I fall off my perch.

My conclusion was that I had to work less, to free up time for reading and thinking. Something had to go. With no prejudice at all to Taki’s Magazine, for whose hospitality and support I shall be for ever grateful, logic demanded that I drop my commitments to them. This was just a time-management calculation with, I repeat, absolutely no prejudice to TakiMag.

Good conversation about that guy I wrote about who is trying to ban Mel Brooks (thanks for the shout out!)