5 Feet of Fury

Jeffrey Imm of REAL, the guy who thinks America’s biggest problem is Mel Brooks, stupidly writes to me

Here’s the guy I wrote about at Taki’s.

I guess he googles himself every few hours and was thrilled to finally get a hit.

I love how these guys always try to sound like they’re typing with a quill pen.

You can picture them squirming in their seats, imagining how “devastating” their reply is going to be:

I wanted to thank you for your “hit piece” on me in TakiMag, well known for its extreme positions, such as your own statement that “some of us persist in believing that ‘equality’ and ‘liberty’ are patently incompatible,” and contributors like Steve Sailer  You are well aware of what the normalization of Nazi images has led to.

I am grateful to know that a person like Kathy Shaidle opposes what R.E.A.L. does, because if there is any question, I now only need to pull out your article to silence any critics.  I thank you for your help.

I especially appreciate your getting the message across to the community of readers at TakiMag.  It will get the message to the people who I am really communicating to.  I am glad the people from the extremist communities in VDARE and other groups will get the message.

R.E.A.L. will continue to protest against racist Nazi and Confederate images, groups, and ideologies.

Jeffrey Imm
Responsible for Equality And Liberty

My reply:

So Thomas Mann was an “extremist”?

“It is a strange fact that freedom and equality, the two basic ideas of democracy, are to some extent contradictory. Logically considered, freedom and equality are mutually exclusive, just as society and the individual are mutually exclusive.”

Isaiah Berlin was an “extremist”?

“Both liberty and equality are among the primary goals pursued by human beings throughout many centuries; but total liberty for wolves is death to the lambs, total liberty of the powerful, the gifted, is not compatible with the rights to a decent existence of the weak and the less gifted.”

What I said is a Political Philosophy 101 trope. Read a book.

Your passive aggressive sarcasm is typical of low-T beta male faggots.

It really is nowhere near as devastating and witty as your tiny brain tells you it is.

The normalization of Nazi images has had absolutely no impact on society whatsoever, as evidenced by the fact that The Producers was first released in 1968, and has gone on to win many Tony Awards and be performed all around the world, despite the fact that, as I said in my piece, it is a terrible play.

Can you explain this for instance? What lasting impact did “Stalag porn” have on Israeli culture? Did “fascism” break out in Tel Aviv? No, of course not.

The History Channel might as well be called the Hitler Channel. Approximately 40% of its programming is about the Nazis. Yet “weirdly,” America’s appetite for real-life Nazism remains as low as its been since 1939. You have no explanation for this because you are a delusional, illiterate, self-regarding fucktard.

Confederate flags don’t kill people. Black people armed with guns kill each other, and Hispanics kill pretty much everyone else. But as I know full well from dealing with self-congratulatory shits like you here in Canada, it’s safer to fight imaginary Nazis than it is the real, deadly Muslims and the other real threats to the West.

Jeffrey Imm replied to that, but merely cut and pasted most of his original email and naturally declined to address any of my questions.

Just more of the Grade 9 “You’re just jealous!”-level “reasoning” you get with his type.

I wonder where his group’s money comes from.