5 Feet of Fury

‘What little remains of the political right in America needs to stop pretending the country harbors a silent, secret conservative majority’

James E. Miller writes:

The United States is a liberal place where personal autonomy is valued above tradition. There is no sense in trying to impose our moral vision on the rest of the country. If American democracy is a game, then conservatives have lost. Fully and openly. It’s true what Mark Citadel says, that “you cannot win within a closed system that does not allow for anti-Liberal policies to stand for any grand length of time.” We may not be able to win, but we can surely lessen the damage that is inevitable.

A good start would be Sen. Rand Paul’s bill to shut off the spigot of federal money flowing to sanctuaries like San Francisco. If city officials don’t want to uphold federal law, there is no reason they should get federal dollars.