5 Feet of Fury

Toronto Muslim Dr. Saqib Qureshi says he’s ‘debunking the 5 most common misconceptions in North America about Muslims’

I’ve been getting emails from this guy’s “people.” One arrived yesterday, which was obviously poor timing on their part.

I finally emailed back that I don’t talk to liars, and that the no doubt nice PR lady might want to google “taqiyya.”

Here are Dr. Saquib Qureshi’s pathetic attempts to “debunk misconceptions”:

1 – They are something outside of us, they’re not part of us:

Muslims have lived in the US and Canada since before either country achieved national independence. The first Muslim presence in what is now the US dates to 1528, and in what is now Canada, to 1854. Muslims are not only the fourth largest religious community in the US and the second largest in Canada, but their contribution to their respective countries has been integral to the development of the national consciousness through the likes of Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X.

So what? A tiny handful of token people hundreds of years ago who (thank God) didn’t have any impact on our Judeo/Christian culture. It’s hilarious that the only two famous Muslims he can think of are a guy who beat people up for money and a guy who had sex with men for money.

2 – Muslims are more violent than are other communities…

Listing the world’s countries by homicides per capita, you’d find no Muslim country in the top 20. The highest ranked country is Nigeria, ranked 25th at 20.0 per 100,000. The world’s most populous Muslim country, Indonesia, has a homicide per capita rate of 0.6 per 100,000 which compares to 4.7 in the US and 1.6 in Canada. And in any case, most criminal offenses in North America are by perpetrators who are a bit tipsy, with about a third of all violent crimes being alcohol related. For those who don’t know, very, very few Muslims drink alcohol since the faith prohibits it.

Here are “worldwide trends in honour killings.” 95% of those in the West are carried out by Muslims.

Murder stats don’t matter because honour killings aren’t considered “crimes.”

Yeah, did you know that the Catholic faith prohibits pedophilia too and our priests are, of course, celibate? So they would never molest any kids.

(Of course, Mohammed WAS a child molester so in Islam, that isn’t a sin.)

And murder and theft, too, so all that stuff you’ve heard about the Mafia is just Italianophobia.

It’s nice to see a “Doctor” who thinks that “about a third” equals “most.” Where’s my Ph frickin’ D?

And of course victims of war don’t tend to get counted as “homicides” and we all know that Islam’s borders are bloody and always have been.

3 – OK…. but then most Muslims are terrorists, right?

In North American society, media and politics, a “terrorist” is defined as somebody who commits a violent crime, which is politically or ideologically motivated and who professes a Muslim self-identity. The de facto use of ‘terrorist’ in North America is for Muslims alone. Tim McVeigh wasn’t labeled a terrorist. Nor was Anders Breivik. And hey, Dylann Roof who massacred nine church-goers in Charleston as part of a broader effort to precipitate a race was wasn’t labeled a terrorist either. The only time North American politicians and media folk use the word “terrorist” is for a Muslim.

Strawman. Typical Muslim whining, putting the “I” in Islam.

Nobody says “most Muslims are terrorists.” However, it is accurate to say that “most terrorists [who we in the West are rightfully worried about] are Muslims,” despite recent laughable attempts to disprove this…

It may, indeed, be the case that the majority of terrorist attacks that occur in Europe are the work of separatist and anarchist groups. But if the average American has not heard of the National Liberation Front of Corsica (…)  it is not because of a media conspiracy or their own ideological blinders; it is because these organizations’ grievances and tactics are strictly local. Americans — or Belgians, or Dutchmen, or Poles, or, for that matter, most Frenchmen or Spaniards — need not fear these groups for the same reason that Americans did not fear terrorist attacks by the Irish Republican Army in the 1970s. The same is true of those Buddhist and Jewish terrorists Obeidallah mentions.

For every Anders Breivik and Dylann Roof, there are far more Major Hassans and Charlie Hebdo and Beslan assassins and their ultimate body counts are larger.

I have seen all the people mentioned above described as terrorists. A moment’s search reveals many examples. The Oklahoma City Bombing is described as “the worst example of home grown terrorism in American history” as a matter of journalistic shorthand to this day.

I don’t really care about Muslims killing each other overseas to celebrate Ramadan or whatever it is. It looks like Dr. Saqib Qureshi doesn’t either because he doesn’t have anything to say about them, or seem interested in “debunking” their obvious “misinterpretation of Islam,” which would save far more innocent lives, right?

4 – OK … but then Islam is associated with violence and terror, right?

Besides the fact that the Qur’an repeatedly stresses that the only legitimate use of violence is for self-defense, and that Mohammed only ever fought his three battles self-defense, Islam is not associated with any of the most barbaric atrocities in human history. In fact, some of the worst atrocities in human history have been done in Christianity’s name. The genocide of Native Americans saw some fifty million deaths, while Hitler’s Nazi Germany killed some seventeen million. Both invoked Christianity … yes they did, both fought in the name of Christianity!

Lies from start to finish. I’ve hyperlinked the proofs.

There weren’t “50 million Native Americans” to kill. And of course they’d been busily killing each other before the white man showed up.

That If the Nazis were Christians, then it’s weird that the Hitler Youth Handbook is blatantly hostile to Christianity.

If either of these incidents were carried out “in the name of Christianity,” they were delusional, because they are contrary to Christian teachings.

Whereas Muslim terrorism FULFILLS Islamic teaching.

5 – How about Jihad? How about Holy War? What about that then?

Jihad’ as used in the Qur’an refers to ‘sustained effort’, more broadly to do “good” and prevent evil. It has absolutely no association with violence. It is merely the act of trying to do the right thing, unlike how the Western media have used it. And Islam has no concept of Holy War. In fact, no war is holy in Islam, though the only wars that are sanctioned are those for self-defense and only until the aggressor party has stopped its aggression, at which point war becomes illegal. The very first Holy Wars were undertaken by the Catholic Church against the multi-ethnic and multi-religious community of Jerusalem … the Crusades which began in 1095 and ended in 1291.

Outright lies as most of my readers already know.

Even secular scholars now acknowledge that the Crusades were a defensive war by long suffering Christians against long standing Muslim aggression.

So watch out for Dr. Saqib Qureshi.