5 Feet of Fury

Yeah, I’d say ‘hidden’ is a bit of a stretch…

A Catholic vice-principal in Ontario who declared she was ‘gay’ days before retirement, while admitting to being in a lesbian partnership, says that she used her position of influence for 28 years in a Catholic school board to advance the LGBTQ cause.

“I’ve been doing the work for support for LGBTQ people for a long time, for actually the 28 years I’ve been in the board,” Joan Grundy, retiring vice-principal at St. Mary’s Catholic High School in Kitchener, told CTV News.

Grundy admitted to CBC News that she had been in a lesbian relationship for about a decade during this time but had presented herself as a faithful Catholic so she could maintain her job with its position of influence.

Grundy, who has a Masters degree in theological studies with a concentration in counselling, has penned an account of her explicit rejection of the Catholic teaching on same-sex attraction in a book released this month titled A Deepening Life.

She and Michael Coren should meet up and swap notes.