5 Feet of Fury

#RachelDolezal: Every day I thank God for making Canada too cold for cotton

Jim Goad writes:

But what rang clear as a copper bell on a crisp Alpine morning was that these three fat white presumed lesbians worshiped the fat black presumed lesbian merely because she was black and thus wasn’t saddled with the historical guilt that emotionally cripples fat white lesbian women in the throes of a midlife racial identity crisis.

If they were only able to crawl inside this black woman’s skin, they would do it. In fact, I suspect that’s exactly what they did later that night.

As our society is currently constructed—or, rather, as our culture is currently dictated to us—there is no emotional satisfaction in being white. There is only pain and guilt and apologies. And this is why so many whites seek refuge in pretending to be black. They talk black, think black, and even try to look black. Some even claim that they are black.


Ed Driscoll and I both spotted different virtual “land speed record” attempts.

His appeared in the NYT, which frankly I can barely believe. Good for them:

The “I was born in the wrong body” rhetoric favored by other trans people doesn’t work any better and is just as offensive, reducing us to our collective breasts and vaginas. Imagine the reaction if a young white man suddenly declared that he was trapped in the wrong body and, after using chemicals to change his skin pigmentation and crocheting his hair into twists, expected to be embraced by the black community.

My sighting was in a more obscure journal, and is dated June 4.

I bookmarked this equally brave (and isn’t that sad?) essay, thinking, “Yeah, I’ll need to cite this one of these days…”

In fleeting moments, I wished I could be white. I begged my mom to straighten my hair, and she did. I went through sometimes unreasonable means to lose weight, and I tried to keep my somewhat light skin out of the sun.

If I had gone to my parents begging them to be white, I think they might have laughed, cried, comforted me, and worried what they did wrong as parents. But what if I had told them not only that I wanted to be white but that I actually was white? What if I had declared that the race of my body simply didn’t match that of my mind? I think they would’ve been deeply troubled.

But what if, instead of wanting to be white, I wanted to be a man?

UPDATEDr. Ablow states the obvious:

And, someone might claim that Caitlyn Jenner chose her identity, or his depending on the way people see it, based on wanting to get on the cover of magazines because that person is addicted to fame. That is a very dangerous position to take if you object to lots of threats which, of course, I’ve gotten based on some of my comments. Because the liberal element in this country is very much in this trans-race kind of moment or trans-age.

So, believe me, they’re bringing kids over to Boston General hospital, probably today, who think they may be of alternate gender and they will inject them with hormones around puberty time to prevent puberty. Don’t be surprised is some child says, “I was born Caucasian and I’m Black,” and if you see them being tattooed, I told you so.

UPDATE: A friend reminds me that “South Park nailed this 10 years ago”…

Kyle asks his parents what a sex change is, and as she explains the term, his mother, Sheila Broflovski, insists on the legitimacy of cosmetic surgery as an important aid for people whose physical appearance contrasts with their self-image. However, in applauding Mr. Garrison’s courage, she inadvertently implies that Kyle’s own problems can be solved in a similar manner. Stan accompanies Kyle to Trinidad to see about the situation, and Dr. Biber suggests that Kyle should undergo a “negroplasty” to make him black and taller.