5 Feet of Fury

I always wondered if Christopher Lee was secretly thinking: ‘I can’t believe this is my career’

Did he like being Hammer’s Dracula? I could never tell. It doesn’t sound like it.

He complained that he wasn’t given enough lines.

(UPDATE: This is contradicted here.)

Sure enough, Lee‘s red eyeballs seemed to be trying to scream — ironically enough — “Please kill me!”

I’ve never like Hammer’s horrors much; prefer their lesser known noirs.

You know who probably scared more people?

Vincent Bugliosi.

Midway through the arraignment I looked at my watch.  It had stopped.  Odd.  It was the first time I could remember that happening. Then I noticed that Manson was staring at me, a slight grin on his face.

It was, I told myself, simply a coincidence.

Helter Skelter likely frightened more readers than much of Stephen King’s output.

Growing up, everyone seemed to have a copy, along with Mandingo, Go Ask Alice, and the second latest Harold Robbins. (Later Have You Seen the Children? and Flowers in the Attic…)

Those censored crime scene pics actually made it all worse.

Bugliosi was so wrongheaded about George Bush that made me wonder if maybe Manson was innocent.

But his JFK stuff was pretty impressive.

And speaking of scaring people in the movies: without Bugliosi, we never would have had this performance for the ages.

Yes, this is an actor:

You might notice how similar “Manson” sounds to your children’s professors…