(Yeah, they changed my title.)
This one’s comments will be super “JOOOOOOOO!”-y:
Naturally, Steorts’ semi-stealth attempt to disguise National Review as a back number of The Advocate prompted not a few folks to look back fondly at Buckley’s famous on-air bitch-slapping of Gore Vidal:
“Now listen, you queer. Stop calling me a crypto Nazi, or I’ll sock you in your g–d— face and you’ll stay plastered.”
And indeed, one can’t help but wonder what Buckley would think of Steorts’ essay.
But unremarked upon were the 2013 claims made by two of Vidal’s younger relatives that the lauded liberal author was a pedophile – and that a file supposedly detailing his predilections had been maintained by… William F. Buckley.
Who apparently declined to share this information with the authorities.