This is old news to me, thanks to VDare:
The legal age of heterosexual consent in Mexico is 12.
Mexican men have a reputation for leering and worse at little girls, which shouldn`t surprise us, since sex with children is socially acceptable in Mexico. Fifteen-year-old girls have a ceremony called a Quinceañera which announces their availability to become wives, mothers and girlfriends. In America, children of that age are expected to complete three more years of high school, to be followed hopefully by a college education. But in Mexico, young girls are considered available, according to law and custom.
A 2005 news report from North Carolina found that “Culture might be factor in sexual abuse“, [By Annette Newell, News 14 Carolina, June, 21, 2005] referring to Hispanic men`s propensity to prey upon little girls. The story tip-toed around the obvious fact that foreigners bring their cultures with them, ranging from tasty cuisine to child sex abuse.
(Contrary to liberal belief, a Quinceanera isn’t like a Bat Mitvah, because that would involved reading, and, well…)
Anyhow, here’s Ann Coulter, giving a glimpse of her new book:
— At least 15 percent of all births in Peru and Argentina are to girls between the ages of 10 and 15. In the U.S., only 2 percent of births are to girls that young, and those are mostly Hispanics, who are seven times more likely to give birth at that age than white girls are.
— In all of Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel combined, there have been eight reported births to girls aged 10 or younger. Seven of the eight were impregnated by immigrants.
— In some areas of America, law enforcement authorities have given up on prosecuting statutory rape cases against Mexican men in their 30s who impregnate 12- and 13-year-old girls, after repeatedly encountering parents who view their little girls’ pregnancies as a “blessing.”
— The same North Carolina newspapers that gave flood-the-zone coverage to a rape that never happened at a Duke lacrosse party completely ignore real rapes happening right under their noses, being committed against children by immigrants providing cheap labor to the state’s farming and meat-packing industries.