My NEW Talk Radio Watch column is now up!
Grab a coffee and enjoy free audio and webcam highlights from the week in American conservative talk radio, including:
* Limbaugh’s “happy black conservative woman” caller, who said, among other thing:
Now, I’m going to let you in on a really closely held secret about black America, Rush. I grew up in a housing project, and in that housing project — and in just about every poor black community in this country — everyone in the community always knew who the older black men were who were plying these young fatherless boys with gifts, with candy, with money, with toys, you name it. This has always happened.
And more!
Glenn Beck said Ezra Levant’s ethical oil argument was “amazing” and one he’d never heard before. (VIDEO)
Levant also talked about Scott Walker:
Hugh Hewitt and Mark Steyn talked about “Kazakhquiddick” and much more! (FREE audio via @FlyoverCountry)