5 Feet of Fury

‘I’m interested in what I perceive as a growing journalistic trend of basing stories off Youtube and website comments…’

David Cole takes “a troll down memory lane” at Taki’s.

As I said in the, er, comments:

Actually, I’ve been saying for years that people “should read the newspaper upside down” — that is, if they want to know the untold story, they should read the comments beneath online newspaper pieces.

The contrast between the elite liberal worldview of the paper, and that of the everyman reader below, is hilariously revealing. Occasionally, commenters provide both eye witness accounts, clarifications, contrary statistics — and a healthy dose of “ohferchrissakes” irritation at the latest pieties.

Now, do I think turning these comments into Important News Stories is lazy, agenda-driven and comical? Yes, but so is most of what “newspapers” do anyhow, and always have.

Those comments — and the tweets on “Black Twitter” and the crazy conversations over at World Star Hiphop or the smart ones at Reddit, mean _something_.

And on the topic of Taki’s comments, someone actually used a new “JOOOOOO!”-y one today:

