Steve Sailer writes:
Of course, the facts on the ground wouldn’t change much under a Labour-led coalition because the main difference would be rhetorical. Likud-led coalitions like to be brusque because it’s fun to offend people, and brusqueness is part of what being a Sabra is all about. Labor-led coalitions, in contrast, like to sound respectable to American Jews, so they phrase their demands more politely. But, in the big picture, not much changes from one government to another in Israel besides the tone of voice. Had Netanyahu lost, most liberal Jewish Americans might have immediately come to assume that all was well because the right people (i.e., the left people) were back in charge.
While America’s immigration policies make this country more leftist, Israel’s demographic policies, such as inviting in French Jews who feel threatened by Muslim immigrants in Paris, and banning non-Jewish immigration (other than spouses), means that the Jewish electorate is growing steadily more rightist.
As Israel comes ever more out of the closet as the successful right wing nationalist state that it is, a PR problem is created for American Democrats.
Uncannily RELATED (I’ll have more to say about this later) — thanks to “Sassy” for the link:
In his March 18 talk at CIJR, Bellerose avoided the issue until it was raised by the audience. He said he was angry and feels he was “smeared a little bit”, especially by those who contend he is “anti-feminist.”
His message to CIJR was that natives and Jews are both indigenous peoples, who are fighting for their ancestral land and that they both face insurmountable prejudice from “white people.”
Many Jews, like aboriginals, are hampered by a “colonized mindset,” he said.
“They believe the best thing they can do is try to become whiter. We are conditioned to think that way… Jews are no different than Indians. They can never be fully white. Maybe they can be a step or two below… They won’t let you get to the top.”
Jews, wherever they live in the world today, are the indigenous people of the land of Israel, he said. Palestinians have human rights, but not to own that territory, he said. As Arabs, they are indigenous to the Arabian Peninsula, where Saudi Arabia is located, he believes.
The Arabs conquered Israel in the seventh century, he said, displacing Jews and others.