5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter: The great, amazing, incomparable Stan Evans is dead

Ann Coulter writes:

Yet and still, I believe Stan’s most lasting legacy will be his defense of Sen. Joe McCarthy.

Telling the truth about McCarthy was a lifetime hobby of Stan’s. It had become an obsession about the time I was working at Human Events and having lunch every week with Stan, Allan and Human Events editor Tom Winter. We’d get Stan’s wry observations about current events, but also hear about his latest discovery of this or that never-before-seen document revealing the Democrats’ fraternizing with Stalin’s agents.

Liberals can keep putting out their silly little movies about the BNOFUM (Black Night of Fascism Under McCarthy), but it’s over. The truth is out, for all to see. Documents proving McCarthy’s case, as well as the left’s campaign of lies about him, will always be just an Amazon click away.