5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad: First They Came For the Albinos

Jim Goad writes:

By the same token, arguing that white-skinned Africans were the first large-scale victims of racial persecution in the world—that the original great human exodus from Africa was less a peaceful migration than it was a violent purge of light-skinned undesirables, that it was less “out of Africa” and more “get the hell out of Africa”—gives white people a moral leg up in the stubbornly idiotic game of racial karma and intergenerational guilt-tripping.

In Zimbabwe, HIV-afflicted men will often rape albino women based on the superstition that it will cure them of their incurable disease.

Far be it from me to ever suggest that such a chokingly thick climate of prehistoric superstition may in some way be related to many of the travails and indignities that persist to this very day in modern Africa…