5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer reviews ‘Ghettocide’, ‘a taboo-breaking scholarly analysis of America’s plague of black-on-black homicides’

Steve Sailer writes:

At a moment when the conventional wisdom is coalescing around the idea that the big problem with the criminal justice system is white policemen being too mean to black criminals, Leovy drops a bombshell carefully justified by what she learned reporting from 2001 to 2012 on black crime in South Central Los Angeles. She argues the opposite: that white people should work harder to track down and lock up black murderers

Leovy notes that less than five percent of the murders of black men in South Central directly involved drug deals. (…)

But much of the killing reflects knuckleheads being knuckleheads in a shoot-first environment. Murder is a way of life in these Hobbesian black slums, which remind Leovy of lawless tribes in the accounts of anthropologists.