5 Feet of Fury

‘As a Canadian, and as a gay person, I am offended at this assault on Freedom of Speech’

Dr. Kyla defends Andrew Lawton:

In London, Ontario, Political Correctness is raising it’s ugly head, again. Andrew Lawton, of AM980 was taken off the air, for a true statement he made on Facebook about the number of anti-gay hate crimes in Canada vs. the number of male to male transmissions of HIV infection. Some whiny, gay people got offended and started a campaign to get Andrew silenced.

Is this really about those comments, or is it because Andrew interviewed Justin Trudeau and did not allow Trudeau to give non-answers?

The program director has removed Andrew from the air for a minimum of 2 weeks, but is under pressure from the grievance class to have him fired. Meanwhile, a search of the program director’s Facebook postings found disparaging posts about Christians and Christianity.

Should someone start screaming., “Hate Crime!”?

Barbara Kay wrote a good article about it.

I agree:

It is no coincidence that after having a daily radio show for five years, Andrew Lawton was suddenly pitchforked by the Gay Brownshirts right after his devastatingly embarrassing interview with Trudeau.