They don’t post these things online in a timely fashion and I’m not going to quote the whole thing in full, but in his latest dispatch from the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre, Avi Benlolo once again declines to say the words “Muslim” or “Islam” when writing at some length about the latest threats to Canadian Jews.
He uses the word “jihad” which is a nice start.
Notice that he’s much more comfortable pointing to a “church” as one of the bad guys, even though the United Church of Canada is a dying, irrelevant institution, “the NDP at prayer.”
But Muslims? Nope…
It should have come as no surprise to anyone following the growth in support for Islamic terror organizations, and the revelation this week at the Brampton, Ontario trial of two men plotting to derail a Canadian passenger train in the name of Jihad, that one of the accused suggested a sniper should “kill rich Jewish people in Toronto.” Like the murders at the kosher supermarket in Paris, the Jewish community seems to be ensnared in an evil and destructive manifestation [ME: DID HE CONSIDER TYPING THE WORDS “OF ISLAM’ HERE THAN THINK BETTER OF IT?] which is the offspring of hate and intolerance. Jewish organizations and private citizens are increasingly concerned. (…)
Just last week a vocal anti-Israel church group, together with anti-Israel and anti-Jewish associations, sponsored a cross-Canada university speaking tour by a promoter of the boycott campaign, who defames Israel by calling it an Apartheid State. These same groups never accuse Saudi Arabia of gender apartheid or Iran of racial discrimination and the execution of homosexuals, nor do they criticize the horrific events in Syria. These speakers are brought here to radicalize young people, and to sow hate and destruction in Canada.
What he can’t or won’t accept is that while we were always doomed to be stuck with the native-born United Church until the last member died off, he and his small-l liberal Jews were among the biggest cheerleaders for multiculturalism, diversity, “tolerance” and massive immigration, which is the reason all these Muslims are here in the first place.
Low-class Gentiles like me tried to warn you that this would happen.
You called us names.