5 Feet of Fury

I’m trying to start a rumor that Billy Idol took me to the prom

Until that gains traction, here’s Mark Steyn on the Brian Williams thingie:

Thirty years ago, it would be difficult to imagine a liar or fantasist surviving in a job that supposedly depends on one’s trustworthiness. Yet today Brian Williams’ survival is the way to bet – because the obsolete format of Big Three “network news” is a dinner-theatre exercise that now bears so little relation to real news that Williams’ ability to project the aura of authority and integrity trumps the reality that he doesn’t actually have any. If you get your news from old-school “network news”, you’re not actually getting any news, you’re watching a guy ’cause he has great hair. So getting it from a delusional narcissist is only taking it to the next level.

Satire accomplishes nothing — in fact, I’m starting to think it actually gives them ideas…