5 Feet of Fury

Germaine Greer calls trannies ‘delusional’ — Plus: 3D printing to create vaginas?

Via GenderTrender:

In the wake of the LGBT+ Cambridge campaign and its recent domination of student media, audience members were relentless in their questioning of  Greer on her exclusion of transgender women from her feminist ideas. Greer remained steadfast in her stipulation that her feminism was about women and appeared visibly angered by the fact that discussion lingered upon what she clearly felt to be a side issue: “I’ve got 51 per cent of the world to think about and I’ve got to talk about transphobia”. When a student quoted her own words back to her she did not compromise her previous position and repeated the word  “delusion” to describe the wish of men to become women, causing a stir amongst the audience with her antipathy towards any presentation of men in drag: “I hate Mrs Brown”.

From the comments:

I know this subject isn’t directly related to Germaine Greer, but it really concerns me. It’s something that I’ve come across several times on various trans blogs and websites. People who read this blog know about the drugging of children with GnRH agonists and/or cross gender hormones. This is happening now. Something far more Orwellian and Frankensteinish could be just around the corner. It seems that growing “lady parts” via some new fangled stem cell/3d printing technology is a big thing on some trans folk’s wish list. Just plunk these lab grown lady parts in men. This really freaks me out. Growing vaginas in laboratories and placing them in males. This is freaking ghoulish. Gallus, have you ever covered this subject. It looks as if they are trying to fund some screw ball think tank and funding source for their Little Shop of Horrors. Project Stem Cell is a collective effort to gather donations for a much needed cause: Stem cell research. Not just any stem cells research, though. The research will focus on SEX.