5 Feet of Fury

I Have a (Wet) Dream: My NEW Taki’s column, about MLK party fliers

The comments will be “JOOOOO!!!”-y, because King was a communist and JOOOOOZ!!! are behind the international communist conspiracy, etc. So.


All these handbills feature a photograph (or three) of Martin Luther King, as you’d expect.

What you don’t expect (unless you’re J. Edgar Hoover, I guess) are images of the slain civil rights leader juxtaposed with stock photos of champagne bottles and barely-dressed females shoving their butts in his face.

In some cases, fireworks are Photoshopped, with exuberant, distasteful obliviousness, behind his head.

At one club, you can come for the “2-4-1 drinks and $100 bottles,” and stay for the “exotic flavored hookahs” and song stylings of “DJ Bushy Bush.”

“Voter suppression” hysterics will be relieved to learn there’s no ID required at Club Technics’ MLK bash.

Delivering on the promise of its “Free At Last” theme, the Wish Ultra Lounge in Dallas lets everyone in, no cover charge (“before 10 PM”).

Not a few flyers helpfully remind partygoers that there will be “no school or work the next day,” which I didn’t think would be much of a concern anyhow.

Alas, I ran out of words before I could mention how much trouble Madonna got into a few weeks ago, for “disrespecting” and “appropriating” Martin Luther King’s image.