5 Feet of Fury

Gavin Mcinnes: 10 Attacks Committed by Terrorists Radicalized in the West

Gavin Mcinnes writes:

They are turning the other cheek in the midst of a mutiny and it’s putting all of us in danger. I was just at CNN shooting a spot about all this for one of their affiliates (Sun Media), and the building appeared to be filled with Muslim guests telling erudite white hosts how to feel.

Where’s the stigma? We’re at war. After the attacks in Ottawa, so many young Canadian men flocked to the country’s largest mosque ready to convert that the imams were overwhelmed. Ottawa-born convert John Maguire was just killed in Syria fighting for ISIS. He looks like a hipster. Sorry, “looked” like a hipster. If an American converted to Nazism in 1942, he’d be a pariah. Today, this kind of treason gets you invited to the White House. Our tolerant culture has blood on its hands and here are 10 reasons why.