Gavin McInnes writes:
In short, their culture sucks, and by ignoring that, we are enabling them to walk all over ours. We need teachers and housewives and accountants and liberals and journalists to accept that there are some xenos it pays to be phobic of. (…)
This isn’t an ethereal threat with complicated roots that we need to “open a conversation” about. It’s a religious war based on irreconcilable differences. How many attacks do we have to endure before we realize this? It seems like the only people who truly understand how violent Islam is get beheaded. All skinheads had to do was wear a swastika. By fretting about nonexistent backlashes and demanding that everyone be civil, we are putting our entire civilization at risk.
And for what? A culture that’s 500 years behind us? What are the upsides of embracing a culture that murders gays, treats women as second-class citizens, puts children in harm’s way, and rejects the entire notion of fun? As Bob Dobbs of the Church of the Subgenius says, “Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke.”