This site is run by trannies, by the way:
The transgender movement is GHOULISH. The transgender movement loves death. The transgender movement loves suicide. The transgender movement valorizes and celebrates murder, suicide, violence, and death.
On Sunday a seventeen year-old gay male named Josh was killed on a highway by a truck driver who was traumatically forced by Josh to strike and kill him, apparently. After his apparent “suicide by truck” the kid’s tumblr blog auto-posted a pre-written suicide note, in which he blamed his parents for his actions, citing their distaste for his homosexuality (and possible future transgenderism) as a justification for his violent act of self-destruction. The youth had been posting suicidal stuff all year apparently, and none of the over 600 followers who re-blogged and “liked” his posts ever did anything about it, as far as we know. GHOULS. Josh ended his big “fuck you” suicide note with the statement that “My death needs to mean something”.