If you spend anytime on the distaff side of the web, you see these chicks all the time.
“I’m fat and I’m proud!”
Besides being fat, they also, for whatever reason, tend to dress rather eccentrically, in vintage hair and makeup.
Basically they are “Garcia” on Criminal Minds but real.
“Any day now,” I always think, “they’re gonna confess that they really hated being so fat and now they’re losing weight.”
This one chick at xoJane was THE poster girl (or should that be “billboard”?) of this.
And guess what?
IT HAPPENED TO ME: I’m a Body-Positive Feminist and I Had Weight Loss Surgery
But of course:
Ultimately, the same philosophy that allowed me to find peace with my fat body also allowed me to make the decision to have weight loss surgery.
So pathetic.
Imagine wasting your life trying to embody a theory.