5 Feet of Fury

‘When Compassion And Profit Go Together: The Case Of Alice Cooper’s Manager Shep Gordon’

Ruth Blatt at Forbes:

Shep Gordon was an innovative and creative manager. He came up with many of Alice Cooper’s outlandish stunts, including staging a breakdown of a truck in London’s busy Piccadilly Circus displaying a huge nude photo of the singer with a python hiding his private parts. Gordon was also the one who brought the doomed chicken to Alice Cooper’s show at the Toronto Rock and Roll Revival concert in 1969, turning the show into one of history’s most notorious publicity stunts. Gordon had the brilliant, if slightly impractical, idea to wrap the “School’s Out” LP in panties. For client Teddy Pendergrass, Gordon conceived of concerts for women only and gave female fans teddy bear lollipops to enjoy during the show.