5 Feet of Fury

So Warren Kinsella is contemplating a run for public office

Here’s the story in the Globe and Mail.

As usual: Read the comments.

MJ Sheppard at Facebook spoke for many:

Dear Jesus, I know we haven’t talked lately, but you’re still my favorite nailed-up guy. Please let Warren Kinsella run for office. Have I ever mentioned that you have a swimmer’s body?

Warren Kinsella has already earned this coveted endorsement:

Here’s my classic (if I do say so myself) print-and-save roundup of Warren Kinsella’s greatest hits.

Of course, there’s more in my archives.

(PS: Paul Wells: Simply present a copy of this 2001 column for your free blow job.)

Warren Kinsella: The Nursing Home Cat of Canadian Politics. How can he lose?