5 Feet of Fury

‘Clash manager Bernie Rhodes seeks young ‘reb rockers’ through his very ugly website’

I note he doesn’t specify “Jews only,” surprisingly…

When I got chucked out The Clash they couldn’t get it right anymore, and Bernard [Rhodes, Clash manager] would say “No, no do it like Mick!” When I’d left they were shouting at the new guys and Bernard would turn to Joe and say ” See, Immigrant Blood!” because Bernard had a similar back ground to me, and he believed it was all in the blood.

(Loony warning.)

Anyhow: it’s possible, as DangerousMind hints, that Rhodes isn’t seeking these young men for, er, musical purposes:

But the real scoop is that Rhodes is (I think) scouting fresh new talent! Alas, I am too old to take advantage of this exciting offer, but younger Dangerous Minds readers who have hot demo tapes and experienced lawyers on retainer might want to join Rhodes’ “Young Rockers Club.” He doesn’t promise fame or fortune, but how could he possibly pay worse than Spotify? If that’s even what this means?