5 Feet of Fury

That Leslie Feinberg died after being bitten by a parasitic insect is especially apt

The West is infested with numerous parasitic insects like Leslie Feinberg, after all.

As someone remarked on Facebook:

“‘After decades of illness’ indeed.”

At least she didn’t commit suicide, like so many of the people she has “inspired” over the course of her life.

Equally apt?

Her last words were allegedly, “Remember me as a revolutionary communist.”

No doubt they were probably more like, “Oh shit, there really is a God after all!” or just “ARRGGGHH!” but that wouldn’t support the narrative.

Tranny activists are among the sickest, more narcissistic — and stupidest — bullies plaguing society.

These are mentally ill castration fetishists who need real sympathy and treatment for their obvious mental illnesses, not amputation or encouragement.

And yes, the “Editor’s Note” is time-capsule worthy.