5 Feet of Fury

Remembrance Day: Avi Benolo manages not to use the word ‘Islam’ once

So I got the obligatory Remembrance Day mass email from Toronto’s Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre this morning.

I can’t find it on their website, so here it is in full:

Today is perhaps the most important Remembrance Day in recent memory. The savage and senseless murders of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Cpl. Nathan Cirillo last month will no doubt loom large in observances across the country. Their killings remind us of what our servicemen and women fought for, and what remains at stake as we honour their sacrifices today.

Indeed, I believe the stakes are as high as they have ever been. Our values of freedom, democracy and universal human rights are under siege by an ideology that does not respect human life and cannot tolerate difference. It is important that we continue to stand on guard against this assault, which promises nothing but death and brutal destruction.

We are fortunate in this fight to have a critical weapon at our disposal – one that we are willing to share with anyone who chooses to take advantage of its benefits.

This great weapon is called Education. Education about tolerance and respect for diversity; education that teaches young minds about the the humanity they share with all other people; education that inoculates against hate. This is the greatest weapon we have to share, and one that enemies of western values fear the most.

On this Remembrance Day I will mourn the recent slaughter of our young servicemen, and commemorate the bravery of all those who fought for the rights of every Canadian to share the freedoms and democratic system of government we have inherited as our birthright. I honour their memory through my commitment to ensuring that Canadian youth learn about the rights they fought to preserve and which, once again, we have been called upon to protect.

Avi Benlolo, President & CEO

I’m just a lowly shiksa, Avi, but you’re wrong.

Education is bunk.

We’ve had generations of “education” and obviously if it was a “great weapon” you wouldn’t have had to have written this email.

“Diversity” and “tolerance,” meanwhile, are exactly what has gotten us into this mess:

Mass immigration — demanded and sentimentalized by confused liberal Jews, as a matter of fact — brought Islam into Canada.

Even actual Canadian Muslims are calling for a moratorium.

Guess what?

I don’t “tolerate difference,” either — when that “difference” is belligerent Islam, spread by “immigrants” who are more accurately described as “colonists.”

But of course, such talk makes me one of the “neo-Nazi white supremacists” you and your friends spent year$ “fighting,” while jihad and sharia festered in Canada and throughout the West.

At least you’re not as bad as Bernie Farber, who bitches about how awful Canada is when a) we let him and his remaining family come live here and b) it was the evil, stupid Canadian goyim who got killed trying to wipe out the Nazis.

Here are the two “great weapons” you’re looking for:











And we all know the Official Jews will never advocate for either, so really, the rest is just so much chin music.