5 Feet of Fury

Ghomeshi-quiddick: My NEW Taki’s column

I had more to say about this mess than I thought I did.

Space didn’t permit me to add that, my impossible-to-resist opening line aside, I don’t think Jian Ghomeshi’s Muslim background had much to do with his alleged behavior.

Oh, great: another Canadian Muslim on a rampage.

Don’t worry, I don’t mean that some self-styled Islamic terrorist is killing our men in uniform again. That was last month.

I’m talking about Jian Ghomeshi. (…)

Of course, they’ve stuck with that stale “-gate” suffix instead. Even when one of their own stands accused, they must remind us of a 40-year-old “right-wing” crime, despite the fact that Watergate, in the cosmic scheme of things, was basically a corpse-free, combination fraternity prank/blooper reel.