5 Feet of Fury

MSNBC’s Krystal Ball ‘secretly participated in the Stop Rush movement’

What “liberal media”?

Just to review, so one newsreader on MSNBC tried to force Rush off the air, and another stoked the riots in Ferguson. And the entire channel screams racism at the drop of words such as “golf” and “Chicago.” (And don’t even get ‘em started on breakfast cereal.)

The channel deceptively edited George Zimmerman’s 9/11 audio in 2012 to stir racial hatred on behalf of Obamas’ reelection bid.

As Ken Shepherd notes today at NewsBusters, “CNBC’s Harwood Wildly Spins for Hillary via Twitter” in response to her recent “corporations don’t create jobs” facepalm-worthy gaffe.

Meanwhile, NBC’s Bob Costas serves as a pint-sized would-be social justice warrior routinely promoting whatever the current DNC talking points are during the halftime shows of NBC’s Sunday Night Football broadcasts.