5 Feet of Fury

‘Looking For Anarchy In All the Wrong Places’

Whenever large scale social unrest breaks out and crowds gather, the two ideological groups which seem to flock to the violence – and seek to augment it – are the anarchists and the communists. (The irony of this should be lost on none of us, given that the two seek precisely opposite social reformation goals.)

It is often said in the liberal media that we conservatives hate and mistrust government (broadly true), and that we want no government at all (False, that would be the anarchists, a group that should be furthest right on the political spectrum but oddly, these days, seem to be mostly leftists**).

Ah, yes. Welcome to my world.

“But why are we marching against free trade? I thought we didn’t believe in borders.”

“But why do we hate Thatcher and Reagan? They say they want to reduce the size of government.”