5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter: The Theme Of All These Liberal Fantasies Is That The Greatest Threat Is Right-Wing White Men

Ann Coulter writes:

In fact, the historical record shows that, apart from the occasional random nut, the people most likely to assassinate a president are leftists, socialists, communists, Palestinian activists, crazed environmentalists and communitarians, who have been responsible for every politically motivated presidential assassination attempt since at least 1900.

Reagan took an assassin’s bullet to the chest within two months of becoming president. Jerry Ford was shot at twice within 13 months of assuming the presidency. But we still have to hear about angry right-wingers terrorizing President Obama.

Reagan’s and Ford’s attempted assassins, by the way, consisted of two liberal women and a deranged white man—who was acquitted by a black jury. Despite Kristof’s warning about guns, all three of them are still alive. And out of prison.

Oh—and the two nuts who recently breached Obama’s White House security? They’re named Ortega and Gonzalez.