5 Feet of Fury

TCM airs ‘Peeping Tom’ (1960) Sat Oct 4: My NEW PJMedia column

I imagine this will provide many viewers with their first opportunity to view this infamous 1960 Michael Powell movie.

Interestingly, TCM is broadcasting Peeping Tom at 3 pm ET. This British picture’s contemporaneous, and condemnatory, critics might never have believed that, over half a century later, this movie would be beamed, unedited, into homes on a weekend afternoon.

At the Daily Express, Len Mosley wrote, “Neither the hopeless leper colonies of East Pakistan, the back streets of Bombay nor the gutters of Calcutta — has left me with such a feeling of nausea and depression.”

The most famous pan was penned by Derek Hill at the Tribune, who declared:

“The only really satisfactory way to dispose of Peeping Tom would be to shovel it up and flush it swiftly down the nearest sewer.”

However, viewers hoping for (or dreading) an exercise in raw cinematic gore based on those old reviews will be surprised.